Student Workshop Session 2
Friday March 24th 6:15-7pm
Youth Activism for Community Education & Empowerment in Argentina
This workshop will be led by students from Argentina who are visiting the U.S. as Youth Ambassadors through a one-month exchange program focused on multiculturalism and civic activism. During the first part of the workshop, the group will share some of the strengths and challenges they see in their communities in Argentina, and discuss how they as youth have been involved in addressing local issues and how they hope to work for change in the future. During the second part of the workshop, presenters and attendees will engage in an interactive discussion comparing issues related to education, community empowerment, and social justice in the U.S. and Argentina. Attendees will be invited to share their own experiences and brainstorm strategies for how young activists all over the world can engage and inspire their peers around a cause.
Workshop Description
Youth Ambassadors- Argentina Team
Improving Access to Education Girl to Girl
Seattle Girls' School
1) We will begin in small groups answering the following questions
What Issues do girls our age face in our community?
What are ways we feel empowered and empower others?
What does our Community value?
What’s our school system like
What are common Hobbies/activities?
What are common Foods we eat?
What Languages are spoken in School?
What it’s like to be a girl in our community
2) Next we will share responses to these same questions from girls in Nigeria
3) We will distribute character cards describing girls in countries we have some information on (Nigeria, Rwanda, South Sudan) - some with barriers to education, some who have been able to overcome them and describing how. Participants will mingle to gather information from others.
4) Share powerpoint presentation on the major barriers to girls’ access to education
5) Do a group brainstorm - what can we in the U.S. (even as youth) do to help out
- lobby those in positions of power (list who that could be)
- raise money
- correspond with people like you are (women helping girls/women)
Workshop Description
Sustainability Statement
YAP students will spend their time in Seattle developing plans for community action projects that they will implement once they return to their home countries
Sustainability Statement
IMPUHWE will exist - as it has for the past 10 years - at Seattle Girls' School, hopefully connecting with more girls in future years. After graduation from Seattle Girls' School, we will continue to stay involved and help support and inform the efforts of the student participants there.
Cultural Awareness and Identity When Traveling Abroad
Lakeside School
-Ice breaker
-Global Service Learning Introduction Video
-Talk about our stories
-Discussion questions about identity, race, culture when studying abroad
Workshop Description
Systematic Oppression in the Unites States
Global Visionaries
Pro-Justice Team
Participants will explore oppression through silent activities and creative debriefs. The activities we will be leading are called the power shuffle and image fish bowl, which allows people to express their thoughts about the power shuffle through making human sculptures. They will see themselves in relation to other people in the room, gaining new perspectives. Participants will have the opportunity to share personal experiences and listen to other people's experiences. We want to create a safe space where the voices of both agents and targets of oppressions can be heard.
Workshop Description
Sustainability Statement
Our plan is that Global Visionaries will expand to touch 20% of the students in the Seattle area. We hope that it will continue gathering both ethnically and socio-economically diverse high school students to make up each group. We plan to continue spreading awareness of social justice issues and our role as global citizens.
Sustainability Statement
We have personally taken a pledge to take several actions to conserve water and keep pollutants out of the water system. We would like our video and our personal actions to continue to inspire others to learn about this problem and make changes.
Why is pollution such an important issue? In this workshop we will be breaking down the cycle of pollution with an original video story. We will also be focusing in on the small elements that have such a great impact on the pollution of the Duwamish River. We’ll be engaging in fun activities that are simulations of the cycle of the pollution and how it ends up in our river. This presentation will be a fundamental experience in learning more about our river. You will leave inspired and ready to start making changes in your everyday routines to keep our river clean and our world unpolluted.
Workshop Description
Chief Sealth International High School
Water Pollution Team
Наша Pека- Our River: The Journey of our Pollution
Ocean Acidification and Sea life
Neighborhood Middle School Group
Ocean Acidification occurs due to CO2 absorption in the water leading to poisoning the aquatic life. Washington state has $20 million fishing industry which is at risk as acidification continues to devastate coastal marine life. Uffy society has proposed a multi-pronged solution from raising awareness, to reducing use of carbon fuel though carbon-tax, while at the same time using the carbon tax to conduct research into bio engineering CO2 absorbing plants. The proposed solution by Uffy Society to this problem is to build robots measure acidity and deposit the bio-engineered phytoplankton to regions that can be addressed.
Workshop Description
Sustainability Statement
The solution needs public awareness and political action. Uffy society is conducting public talks and leading local discussion groups. It has met with State House Representative Roger Goodman and Hon Governor Jay Inslee. They have also reached out to the White house to seek support. Additionally, they are invited to the FIRST World Championship to present to upcoming technologists from around the world.
How can young people work together to create social change?
What are barriers to girls' education in developing countries and how can we help remove them?
How does traveling abroad deepen our understanding of culture and identity?
How do does systematic oppression affect you and the people around you?
How can we stop the pollution cycle?
How to address CO2 in Oceans?