Student Workshop Session 4
Saturday March 25th 11:15-12:00pm
Consumerism Rules Everything Around Us
​Our workshop would essentially focus on how consumerism in the U.S. can increase outsourcing on both micro and macro levels , this will be presented through a prezi-presentation which includes defining terms used. The workshop will also include dialogue and interaction between the audience and presenters through a Q & A/comment session. Our purpose for the workshop is to create awareness about how subconsciously we all affect other environments. We will be showing different types of media (presentation, pictures, and video).
Workshop Description
The Service Board
East African Club
Chief Sealth- East African Club
We introduce a large portion of the Sealth community such as minorities like Africans (specifically East, but not limited to one ethnicity impacted by stereotypes and set assumptions within the US) for the purpose of shattering stereotypes.
Workshop Description
Water Sanitation and Health
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Youth Ambassadors Program
Our workshop that we are entering is not really a workshop, but an interactive presentation. At first it goes through the Gates Foundations ideals and how they are involved in this issue. It later continues to the issue, water sanitation and health. After stating the problem, the presentation continues to how the issues can be solved. The presentation then continues to show videos of how people around the world are making a difference. All the while, the presentation is interactive as the viewers are asked questions and asked to design a more efficient version of the toilet. The overall idea is to inform people about the issues in water sanitation and health, how they are being solved, and how they as individuals can help as well.
Workshop Description
Water Scarcity
Chief Sealth International High School
Key Club
In our workshop we will introduce Thirst Project and what they do. Afterwards we will go into detail about water crisis in our presentation, taking breaks every so often for an activity to engage the audience. At the very end we will have water bottles filled with dirty water for the audience to carry throughout the conference to spread awareness for those who didn't attend the workshop so they'll ask "Why are carrying around a bottle of water with dirty water?" And the hopefully the audience will explain what they learned.
Workshop Description
Sustainability Statement
Our goal for our project is to spread awareness about water scarcity and what Thirst Project is doing to combat it
Sustainability Statement
We want to teach our peers, family, and friends, how our shopping patterns have an impact on the global labor market by constantly demanding product and not really caring how their company’s get their products results in poor working conditions and lasting effects than what they can see around them.
Sustainability Statement
We create open minds and views of the people around us, we try to interact rather than sectioning ourselves into groups based off insignificant factors.
How does the United States consumerism increase outsourcing?
How can we solve the environments which will affect the people in a bad way?
What can be done to positively change water sanitation and health around the world?
How does water scarcity affect individuals?